
Gabo Island

A few times a year a weeding group visits Gabo Island. The group formed in 2018, primarily to work predominantly to work on Mirror Bush (Coprosma repens).

This is an invasive species on this wild and remote island, home to significant flora and fauna.

Each five-day trip begins with a physical check over all areas previously treated to deal with any regrowth and seedlings. The greatest infestation of Mirror Bush occurred around the lighthouse on the south coast of the island. To date, after 11 trips, we are happy to report that the bulk of Mirror Bush infestation has been dealt with.

In addition to weed control, the Friends of Mallacoota have also been mapping rare and threatened species on the island, including Zieria littoralis and the rare fern, Shore Spleenwort.

This is a joint project with Parks Victoria and is funded by Coastcare and East Gippsland Catchment Management Authority grants.